Turnkey Service Flexible Pipe with Plastic Nut PackagePreliminary Opinion within 24 hours following the examination

With our flexible pipe with plastic nut package, you will get a complete examination through a series of non-destructive analyses. Our expertise will allow you to avoid additional work and reports, thus accelerating your claim process, exercising your recourse, or, if necessary, identifying fraudulent cases.

A failure of this type causes significant damage. In the majority of cases, when we have all the necessary information, we can determine the precise cause of the failure .

The package includes:

  • Examination of the flexible pipe with plastic nut;
  • Microscopic examination of the fracture surface to verify the presence of manufacturing defects;
  • Non-destructive chemical analysis by infrared spectroscopy to verify the degree of degradation of the plastic nut;
  • Verification of the flexible pipe certification;
  • Analysis of obtained documentation;
  • Production of a Flash Summary report containing all the relevant points of our investigation as well as the probable cause of loss.

Our team of experts

Our expertise will allow you to determine the cause, exercise your recourse if necessary, or identify fraudulent cases.

Take advantage of our polymer nut package

To entrust us with a mandate, we invite you to contact us. A specialized expert will evaluate your part in less than 72 hours.

Contact us